How to Provide Liquidity, Stake LP Tokens, and Pool RESDX on

3 min readApr 14, 2021

In this article, we’ll run through some of the essential functions of We’ll explain how you can add liquidity, use your liquidity tokens to earn more RESDX through Farming, and stake RESDX in a pool to earn more rewards that way.

Providing Liquidity to

  1. Navigate to:
  2. Select the Liquidity tab.

3. Click Add Liquidity.

4. Select the coins and amount you wish to stake. Choose from RESDX / BNB, RESDX / BUSD, RESDX / USDT.

5. Click Supply and confirm the transaction in MetaMask.

6. You can Add more liquidity or Remove your stake by clicking on the pair below the Add Liquidity button on the Liquidity tab.

Staking LP tokens in a Farm

  1. Select the Farm tab.

2. Select the correct pair from the drop-down menu and click Stake LP.

3. Select the amount you wish to stake and click Confirm.

4. You can use the + / — buttons to add or remove LP tokens or click Harvest to add the RESDX you have earned to your wallet.

Staking RESDX in a pool

  1. Select the Pools tab and click Deposit RESDX.

2. You can unstake by clicking the Unstake RESDX button, or deposit more at will. Harvest will add your rewarded RESDX balance to your wallet, while Compound will add it to your existing stake.

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Resistance Foundation

